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Satellite Industries has been selected by Managing Automation magazine as one of their top 100 companies in 2011 for a Progressive Manufacturing 100 Award (PM100). The PM100 Awards honor manufacturing companies that have transformed themselves through the use of information technology.

Satellite was specifically recognized in the category of Business Model Mastery for their use of technology to connect customers, suppliers and employees on a global level. The connectivity
provides many advantages such as online ordering, inventory monitoring and replenishment, shipment tracking, banking, order processing and many other administrative functions.

“Many companies our size have not taken the step of becoming global,” said Todd Hilde, President and CEO of Satellite Industries. “Our adventurous spirit has pushed us to all corners of
the world and the need to leverage technology has become increasingly critical. We have deployed technology to link our supply chain and customers together by utilizing multiple
technology platforms and processes. You do not need to be a fortune 500 company to leverage technology globally, but you do need the drive and the spirit.”

Other winners of the 2011 PM100 Award include Boeing, L’Oreal, IBM, Ford, Honeywell and Motorola. Winners in prior years include the companies shown here.“

“As we prepare for the eventual end of the Great Recession, these winning companies dramatically underscore how the manufacturing industry will begin to emerge in an even stronger position once a recovery takes a firm hold,” says David Brousell, Editor-in-Chief of Managing Automation. “The projects that enabled these companies to become PM100 winners reflect great creativity and inventiveness, a determined willingness to take risk, and an enduring resilience to continually improve every aspect of their business. These companies are leading the way to a better future.”

The award will be presented at Manufacturing Leadership Summit on May 11, 2011 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida. Click here to find out more about the PM100 Awards visit

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